Dear Upper Snowmass Creek Caucus,

Congratulations on successfully completing the criteria to become a nationally recognized Firewise USA™ program participant!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Upper Snowmass Creek to the growing number of Firewise sites, where residents throughout the nation are working to reduce their wildfire risks.

A set of two Firewise USA street signs, constructed for outdoor installation in high visibility locations, have been ordered and will arrive via UPS. The signage promotes resident’s active participation in the program. You’ll also start receiving our monthly electronic Fire Break newsletter.

Utilizing the Firewise portal to enter outreach, education and risk reduction activities as they’re completed, will make meeting the annual renewal requirements an easy process.

Outreach and educational resources are available at no charge with shipping included and can be ordered through our online catalog or the portal. You’ll also find additional information, online trainingsresearch fact sheets and access to webinars at Please consider sharing the myriad of available wildfire resources with your neighbors, in your community newsletter, or other neighborhood communication channels.

Consider liking Firewise on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to learn about success stories, new research and other important wildfire topics.

We’re here to provide information and assist with all your programmatic needs. To contact our customer service staff email us at [email protected] or call 720-475-1931, Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm mountain time, in our Denver office.

We look forward to working with you and learning about your community’s risk reduction successes. 

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Cathy Prudhomme

Firewise USA Program Manager, National Fire Protection Association, Firewise USA™ Program Manager

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